Child Dedication

We love to celebrate new lives! Our next child dedication is May 14, 2023.

I'm Interested in Child Dedication

Our next Child Dedication is Scheduled for May 14, 2023.

Child dedications can occur in our 9a, 10:30a or 6:30p service.

After filling out this form, a member of our pastoral team will be in touch with the details.

What is Child Dedication?

Child dedication is a time to celebrate a child's God-given life. We love kids, and Jesus does too. We want to honor the families that are receiving these children. Child dedication is an opportunity to express commitments about the child, the parents, and our church family.

Parents who dedicate their children are publicly expressing that they are committing their child to God's desires for their child. Hannah famously did this in 1 Samuel. After God intervened and gave her a son, she said, "for this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him. Therefore I have lent him to the LORD. As long as he lives, he is lent to the LORD." (1 Samuel 1:27–28 ESV)

Parents are also dedicating themselves to the task of parenting the child in discipline and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). Christian parents need to be intentional about share the good news about Jesus from the very beginning of their children's lives. Child dedication is a chance to make that pledge public.

Child dedication also reminds the church of our responsibility as a spiritual family to encourage, support, and disciple both the child and the parents. The fantastic part about being part of a church family is that multiple generations are investing in one another and reminding each other of God's wisdom and practical experience. We are better together!