End-of-Year 2022

See What God did this year and how you can be a major part of what God does next!

Will You Prayerfully Consider Giving to Branch Life Church?

2022 has been an incredible year!

Our third year as a church plant in the Pottstown area has been a year of incredible impact FOR GOD, FOR GOOD, AND FOR GROWTH. Here is some of what he did. 

This year we've seen 15 baptisms and over 25 salvations directly connected to our services, groups, and events!

Our biggest Sundays included 300 people, including our fall kickoff when 4 people came to Christ. 40 adults joined the church, and 7 of those families will be officially welcomed this month. Early in 2023, we’ll begin offering a third worship service on Sunday nights because we are completely out of room Sunday mornings.  The nursery is exploding, the youth group is growing, and we are entirely out of space in our parking lot, kids’ environments, and worship center. Praise God!

We continued to be amazed at how the Gospel is spreading in this new digital age. Thousands have engaged with us via YouTubeFacebook LiveInstagram, and iTunes.


It is clear that God is on the move in the Pottstown area and continues to guide our steps as we work to lead people to Jesus. To see our entire 2022 report click the button below.

Now we look ahead to what God will do in 2023!

Because 2022 has been a year of unprecedented growth, we are working hard to launch a third worship option on Sunday evening, identify our first church plant, open our Community Café and develop new team leaders. However, our biggest change could be the expansion of our campus! 

We have an unexpected opportunity to expand our Pughtown Campus in 2023

What if God turned 6 acres into 26 acres?

Unexpectedly, 20 acres of wooded land next door to our Pughtown Campus has become available at a discounted rate to Branch Life Church for ministry use. We believe this is a God-given opportunity and trust him to provide the $500,000 needed to purchase that land. 

We can't wait to see what God will do in the year ahead! 

As a young church, we are forever grateful to generous, community-minded, gospel-focused givers who help us to do this work for God. To help facilitate our growth needs, we have created the new The Branch Life Church Expansion Fund; to kick-start that fund, we have set an end-of-year giving goal is $85,000.

A % of our End-of-Year Giving will go to Two Amazing Community Partners

One of the great joys of this year has been partnering with Project Purpose and Anchored Ministries.  Each year these organizations help needy families in our area with food, clothes, mentoring, and education support. 

An end-of-year gift to Branch Life Church will be giving to help to these community partners.

Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-40 

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”  Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?  And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?  And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

So a gift to Branch Life Church in December is a give to help Pottstown area families in need!

Our End-of-Year Goal is $85,000 in December!

Why $85,000? While any amount would be a significant blessing to our young church, if God provided $85,000, we'd be able to pursue our plans to build for the future! If God provided $500,000 in the month of December, we'd be overwhelmed by God's provision and immediately pursue purchasing the 20 acres of land next door!

Would you consider helping us fund these next steps?

It would be an honor if you would generously give in the month of December toward this goal of $85,000.  

Click Here to Give Now!

Thank you for your generosity, and thank you for praying; it means the world to us! 

- Pastors Josh, Scott, Alex, and Bill

P.S. If your organization, business, or family would like to learn how to become Expansion Fund Partners, you can e-mail Pastor Josh directly at  jpark@branchlife.church or give directly to the fund at www.branchlife.church/give


  1. Give online now.
  2. Give in-person during worship services.
  3. Mail your gift to Branch Life Church (780 Pughtown Rd, Spring City, PA 19475)
  4. Give stocks and investments (Get more information HERE)

You Are Invited to Join Us!

You are invited to join us Dec. 23 at 7:00p or Dec 24th at 1:00p, 2:30p or 4:00p for Christmas Eve with Branch Life Church! 

For your free tickets go to: www.branchlife.church/christmaseve